US Population Cause of Death Mortality Improvement Update

SCOR Releases US Population Cause of Death Mortality Improvement Analysis Update

Studying population mortality and its trends by cause of death (COD) over time is highly beneficial for understanding mortality improvement of an insured population as it enables life insurers to obtain valuable insights on mortality trends and to conduct future mortality projections. SCOR’s US Experience Analysis team regularly conducts a COD analysis to understand the drivers of the trends better and, in recent years, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The most recent analysis is based on data from the CDC through 2021 as well as data from the US census.


This analysis explores changes in US population mortality improvement trends and the causes of death that contributed most to these changes, including COVID-19. The study covers a detailed analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the US population by age and socioeconomic status. It also examines the changes in mortality rate trends for non-COVID-related causes of death such as cardiovascular disease, neoplasms, Alzheimer’s & dementia, and others, some of which remain elevated from pre-pandemic levels.


To read the full analysis, you can click on the link in our right sidebar.

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