SCOR’s Combined General Meeting adopts all proposed resolutions

At today’s Combined General Meeting of SCOR SE of 15 April 2009, held in Paris-La Défense and chaired by Denis Kessler, all resolutions were approved by a wide margin.

At today’s Combined General Meeting of SCOR SE of 15 April 2009, held in Paris-La Défense and chaired by Denis Kessler, all resolutions were approved by a wide margin:
Concerning the ordinary shareholders’ meeting
1. Approval of the annual accounts for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 – resolution approved by 95% of the votes;
2. Allocation of income and determination of the dividend for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 – resolution approved by 97.8% of the votes;
3. Approval of the consolidated accounts for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 – resolution approved by 95.4% of the votes;
4. Approval of the agreements referred to in the Statutory Auditors’ special report pursuant to Article L.225-38 of the French Commercial Code – resolution approved by 60.3% of the votes;
5. Approval of the agreement executed between the Company and Mr. Denis Kessler referred to in the Statutory Auditors’ special report pursuant to Article L.225-42-1 of the French Commercial Code – resolution approved by 60.2% of the votes;
6. Authorization granted to the Board of Directors in order to carry out transactions on the shares of the Company – resolution approved by 95.3% of the votes;
7. Renewal of the appointment as director of Mr. Carlo Acutis – resolution approved by 97.5% of the votes;
8. Renewal of the appointment as director of Mr. Daniel Lebègue – resolution approved by 93.6% of the votes;
9. Renewal of the appointment as director of Mr. André Lévy-Lang – resolution approved by 97.4% of the votes;
10. Renewal of the appointment as director of Mr. Jean-Claude Seys – resolution approved by 93.3% of the votes;
11. Renewal of the appointment as director of Mr. Luc Rougé – resolution approved by 97.3% of the votes;
12. Appointment of Mr. Peter Eckert as director – resolution approved by 97.6% of the votes;
13. Appointment of Médéric Prévoyance as a new director – resolution approved by 97.5% of the votes;
14. Renewal of the appointment as board observer (censeur) of Mr. Georges Chodron de Courcel – resolution approved by 95.7% of the votes;
15. Powers of attorney to carry out formalities – resolution approved by 97.8% of the votes;

Concerning the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting
16. Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors in the context of the provisions of Article L. 225-129-2 of the French Commercial Code, for the purpose of deciding upon the incorporation of profits, reserves or premiums into the share capital – resolution approved by 97.8% of the votes;
17. Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 225-129-2 of the French Commercial Code, for the purpose of deciding on the issuance of shares and/or of securities granting access to capital or giving entitlement to a debt instrument, without cancellation of preferential subscription rights – resolution approved by 97.7% of the votes;
18. Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 225-129-2 of the French Commercial Code, for the purpose of deciding on the issuance of shares and/or of securities granting access to capital or giving entitlement to a debt instrument, with cancellation of preferential subscription rights – resolution approved by 89.3% of the votes;
19. Authorization granted to the Board of Directors for the purpose of increasing the number of shares issued in the event of over-subscription to the share capital increase, with or without cancellation of preferential subscription rights – resolution approved by 86.8% of the votes;
20. Authorization granted to the Board of Directors for the purpose of the issuance of shares and/or securities granting access to the Company’s capital or giving entitlement to a debt instrument, as remuneration for shares contributed to the Company in the context of any public exchange offer launched by the Company or of any contributions in kind within a limit of 10% of the share capital – resolution approved by 90.9% of the votes;
21. Authorization granted to the Board of Directors for the purpose of the reduction of the share capital by cancellation of treasury shares – resolution approved by 97.7% of the votes;
22. Authorization granted to the Board of Directors in order to grant options to subscribe to and/or purchase shares in favor of salaried employees and the Company executive corporate officer – resolution approved by 95.5% of the votes;
23. Authorization granted to the Board of Directors in order to attribute ordinary shares of the Company at no cost to salaried employees and the Company executive corporate officer – resolution approved by 68.8% of the votes;
24. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors in order to carry out an increase in share capital by the issuance of shares reserved for the members of savings plans (plans d’épargne), with cancellation of the preferential subscription right to the benefit of such members – resolution approved by 96.6% of the votes;
25. Aggregate ceilings of the capital increases – resolution approved by 97.6% of the votes;
26. Powers of attorney for the completion of formalities – resolution approved by 97.8% of the votes.
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