Corporate Governance

SCOR’s corporate governance is strong, diverse and independent.

corporate governance

Corporate Governance

As a listed Group, SCOR adheres closely to best practices. Since 2008, SCOR has adopted the Corporate Governance Code for listed corporations (Code de gouvernement d'entreprise des sociétés cotées) published by the AFEP (Association Française des entreprises privées) and the MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprises de France) (hereinafter the "AFEP-MEDEF Code") as its corporate governance code of reference. Two governance bodies play a key role in meeting the Group’s strategic objectives and ensuring appropriate management of risks: the Board of Directors, which is supported by seven committees and includes a Vice-Chairman, and the Group Executive Committee.


The Board of Directors


The SCOR SE Board of Directors establishes the Group’s business plan and strategy, ensures its implementation, and oversees the social and environmental implications of SCOR’s activity.


With the exception of powers explicitly reserved for shareholders in Shareholders’ Meetings and within the limits of the corporate purpose, the Board addresses all matters related to the Company’s performance and takes decisions regarding business issues concerning the Company. It designates the CEO and the other persons effectively running the Company. It meets with the key function holders for SCOR SE at least annually. It takes part in the sound and prudent management of the Company. It is informed each quarter by management of the financial position, cash position and commitments of the Company. In accordance with legal provisions, it approves the financial statements, proposes dividends, and makes investment and financial policy decisions. It is informed about market developments, the competitive environment and the most important issues at hand, including in the field of corporate social and environmental responsibility. It approves the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (“ORSA”) report and takes it into account when making decisions likely to have a significant impact on the Company. It approves certain policies as well as the SFCR and RSR reports. The Board also carries out the verifications and controls it deems necessary.
SCOR uses a skills matrix to ensure that its Directors bring the varied and complementary input needed to inform high-quality debate and decision-making. Diversity among the Board’s members is also strong in terms of nationalities (nine), background and gender (six members are women). The composition of the Board of Directors is guided by the application of best-in-class corporate governance practices. Its composition – with 14 members – is deemed appropriate to allow meaningful individual participation. A majority of the directors – eleven – are independent and together they represent a diversity of expertise: from the insurance, finance, banking, IT, legal and other sectors. 

The Board of Directors is currently composed of 14 directors including two employee-elected directors:


Fabrice Brégier

Fabrice Brégier

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chairman of the Strategic Committee and Crisis Management Committee | Member of the Audit Committee and Risk Committee

Fabrice Brégier, a French citizen, is a graduate of École polytechnique and a Chief Engineer of the Corps des mines. He began his career at the DRIRE Alsace (Ministry of Industry and Trade) before being appointed Sub-Director of Economic, International and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Agriculture (Directorate-General for Food) in 1989. After serving as an Advisor to several French Ministers from 1989 to 1993, Fabrice Brégier was appointed Chairman of Franco-German joint ventures at Matra Défense, Director of Standoff activities at Matra BAe Dynamics, and then Chief Executive Officer of MBD/MBDA. Before becoming a member of the Executive Committee of Airbus in 2005, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eurocopter from 2003 to 2005. Fabrice Brégier has twenty years of experience in aerospace and defense. He has spent a large part of his professional career at Airbus Group, holding the position of Airbus COO between 2006 and 2012, then Airbus President and Chief Executive Officer between 2012 and 2017, and finally COO of Airbus and Chairman of Airbus Commercial Aircraft between 2017 and 2018. Fabrice Brégier has been Chairman of Palantir France since October 2018.


Augustin de Romanet

Augustin de Romanet

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chairman of the Sustainability Committee | Member of the Strategic Committee, Audit Committee, the Risk Committee and the Crisis Management Committee

Augustin de Romanet, a French citizen, is a graduate of the Institut d'études politiques in Paris and a former student of the École nationale d’administration. He was previously Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des dépôts et consignations, between 2007 and 2012, and chaired the Fonds stratégique d’investissement between 2009 and 2012. Prior to that, he was Deputy Finance Director at Crédit Agricole S.A. and a member of the Executive Committee. Augustin de Romanet also served as Deputy Secretary General to the French President, between June 2005 and October 2006, and held positions in various ministerial offices. In particular, between 2002 and 2005, he was Chief of Staff to Alain Lambert, Minister Delegate for the Budget, Deputy Chief of Staff to Francis Mer, Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry, Chief of Staff to Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister for Employment, Labor and Social Cohesion, and lastly, Deputy Chief of Staff to French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin. Awarded the Légion d’honneur in 2007, Augustin de Romanet has received a number of awards, notably “Capitalist of the Year” awarded by the Le Nouvel Économiste magazine in 2008 and “Financier of the Year” awarded by the Minister of the Economy in 2012. Augustin de Romanet has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Aéroports de Paris since 2012 and Chairman of Paris Europlace since July 2018.


Marc Büker

Marc Büker

Director representing employees
Member of the Compensation Committee

Marc Büker, a French and Turkish citizen, graduated from the University of Paris I – Sorbonne, in International Business Law. He began his career in journalism and launched the first private radio station in Turkey in 1992, then the country’s first private television company forming a group he sold in 2002. He joined SCOR in 2002, initially working in the P&C Treaty Department as an underwriter for markets such as North Africa, South Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf countries. He is currently Market Manager for the Southern Mediterranean, North Africa and French-speaking Africa regions. Within the Company, he initiated the SCOR classical musical project, which involves the organization of concerts and the detection of young talents.


Adrien Couret

Adrien Couret

Chairman of the Risk Committee | Member of the Strategic Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Crisis Management Committee

Adrien Couret, a French citizen, holds a degree from HEC business school (École des hautes études commerciales) and is a Fellow of the French Institute of Actuaries. Since 2008, he has held various executive roles as part of mutual insurance company Macif’s management team, successively overseeing Strategy, Performance, Transformation and Innovation. He was named Chief Executive Officer of Macif in 2019. That same year, he became Vice-Chairman of the Association des assureurs mutualistes (AAM). In July 2020 and after having been a director since 2014, he took on the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ofi Asset Management, an asset management subsidiary of the Macif group. Since January 2021, Adrien Couret has been Chief Executive Officer of Aéma Groupe, a new French mutual insurance group specializing in health protection, which was created following the merger of Aésio Mutuelle and Macif.


Martine Gerow

Martine Gerow

Member of the Strategic Committee, Audit Committee and Sustainability Committee

Martine Gerow, a French and American citizen, is a graduate of HEC business school (École des hautes études commerciales) and holds an MBA from Columbia University-Graduate School of Business in New York. She is currently the Chief Financial Officer of American Express Global Business Travel and previously held several positions in the finance departments of Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Solocal and Campofrio.



Patricia Lacoste

Patricia Lacoste

Member of the Strategic Committee, Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Nomination Committee and Sustainability Committee

Patricia Lacoste, a French citizen, is a graduate of the French École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique (ENSAE) and holds a Master’s degree in Econometrics. She began her career in 1985 as a statistical research engineer within the consulting firm COREF. She then joined the SNCF in 1992 where she successively held the positions of Project Manager for the Socrate reservation system, Director of Distribution, Director of Traveler Sales, Director of the Paris-Est Region in charge of the preparation and launch of the TGV Est Européen, Director of Senior Management in the Human Resources Division, and then Director of Customer Relations. In 2012, she joined the Prévoir group as Chief Executive Officer and since 2013, has held the position of Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Société Centrale Prévoir and its subsidiary Prévoir-Vie.


Thierry Léger

Thierry Léger

Member of the Strategic Committee

Thierry Léger, a dual French and Swiss citizen, holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) and an Executive MBA from the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland. He began his career in the civil construction industry before joining Swiss Re as an engineering underwriter in 1997. In 2001 he moved to Swiss Re New Markets, providing non-traditional (or alternative) risk transfer solutions to insurance clients. Between 2003 and 2005 he was a member of the executive team in France as leader of the sales team. From 2006, Thierry Léger assumed increasing responsibility for Swiss Re’s largest clients, ultimately becoming the Head of the newly-created Globals Division in 2010 and a member of the then existing Group Management Board. In 2013, Thierry Léger became Head of Life & Health Products Reinsurance. As of January 2016, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer Life Capital and member of the Swiss Re Executive Committee. In September 2020, he assumed the role of Group Chief Underwriting Officer. He joined SCOR as Chief Executive Officer on May 1, 2023. Thierry Léger is married and father of three children.


Vanessa Marquette

Vanessa Marquette

Chair of the Nomination Committee | Member of the Strategic Committee, Risk Committee, Compensation Committee, Sustainability Committee and Crisis Management Committee

Vanessa Marquette, a Belgian citizen, holds a law degree and an economic law degree from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She also studied law at Davis University and Berkeley University and she holds an LLM degree from the University of Michigan Law School. She has practiced as a lawyer registered with the Brussels Bar since 1995, and specializes in banking law and financial law. She also has particular expertise in the areas of corporate law, insolvency law and security interests and private international law. She has taught international financial law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles since 2004 and is the author of numerous publications on banking and financial law.
She has been a partner in the banking & finance department of the law firm Loyens & Loeff since March 2020, having been a partner at the business law firm Simont Braun from 2005 until February 2020 and having practiced law at the Brussels offices of Stibbe Simont Monahan Duhot and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Vanessa Marquette was an independent director of Erasme Hospital from 2017 until 2021.


Bruno Pfister

Bruno Pfister

Chairman of the Audit Committee | Member of the Strategic Committee, Risk Committee, Compensation Committee and Crisis Management Committee

Bruno Pfister, a Swiss citizen, lawyer registered with the Geneva Bar and an MBA graduate from UCLA Anderson School of Management, was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rothschild & Co Bank AG from December 2014 to September 2019. He was Vice-Chairman of the Swiss Insurance Association, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Swiss Life AG group, a member of the Executive Committee of the Crédit Suisse Banking division and Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Board of LGT group AG.


Pietro Santoro

Pietro Santoro

Director representing employees
Member of the Sustainability Committee

Pietro Santoro, a German and Italian citizen, began his career at Wacker Chemie AG in the financial accounting and management control department after finishing his apprenticeship as an industrial sales clerk. He joined SCOR in 2002 as a purchaser (General Services Manager) in the General Services Department. Since 2013, he has been a member of the SCOR Group’s Common European Companies Committee (CCSE) and since 2014, a member of the German Works Council of which he was elected Chairman in 2019.


Holding Malakoff Humanis représentée par Thomas Saunier

Holding Malakoff Humanis represented by Thomas Saunier

Member of the Strategic Committee and Nomination Committee

Thomas Saunier, a French citizen, is a graduate of École polytechnique, ENSAE and the French Institute of Actuaries. Head of the Actuarial Department and Director of Steering and Management Control at CNP Assurances from 2000 to 2003, he spent more than 10 years at Generali France, initially as Deputy Chief Executive Officer responsible for products, operations and information and finance systems.
In 2005, he was promoted to Chief Executive Officer responsible for the retail market, IT and customer service, before taking charge of the corporate, professional and retail markets in 2011. On June 1, 2016, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Malakoff Médéric group in an environment characterized, for all stakeholders in the social protection sector, by unprecedented challenges in the management of supplementary pensions and in the development of life and health insurance business. Following the merger of the Humanis and Malakoff Médéric groups, on January 1, 2019 Thomas Saunier became Chief Executive Officer of the Malakoff Médéric Humanis group, now known as the Malakoff Humanis group.


Natacha Valla

Natacha Valla

Member of the Strategic Committee, Audit Committee, Risk Committee and Sustainability Committee

Natacha Valla, a French citizen, is an economist, and is currently Dean of the School of Management and Innovation at Sciences Po Paris.
She began her career at the European Central Bank (2001-2005) and then worked at the Banque de France (2005-2008) before joining Goldman Sachs as Executive Director (2008-2013). She was then Deputy Director of CEPII (2014-2016), a think tank in international economics, before joining the European Investment Bank (2016-2018) in charge of Economic Policy and Economic Strategy. From 2018 to May 2020, she was Deputy CEO for Monetary Policy at the European Central Bank. She has been a member of France’s Economic Commission of the Nation, of the Scientific Committee of the ACPR and of the Council of Economic Analysis (Conseil d’analyse économique, CAE). She received her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence and is the author of numerous books and articles in monetary and international economics.


Zhen Wang

Zhen Wang

Member of the Strategic Committee and Risk Committee

Zhen Wang, a Chinese citizen, holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Beijing Normal University, and is a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute (FCII). She began her insurance career in 1982 by joining the Chinese state-owned insurance company PICC, and became the General Manager of the International Department in 1996 when PICC became the PICC group. From 1997 to 2016, she worked for Munich Re where she was the Chief Representative of Munich Re Beijing, then Chief Executive Officer of Munich Re Beijing Branch and a member of the Munich Re Greater China Advisory Board. Zhen Wang has been an independent director of Bank of China Insurance Company since 2014, of Trust Mutual Life Insurance Company in China since 2017 and of PICC Re since 2020.


Fields Wicker-Miurin

Fields Wicker-Miurin

Chair of the Compensation Committee | Member of the Strategic Committee, Risk Committee, Nomination Committee, Sustainability Committee and Crisis Management Committee

Fields Wicker-Miurin, an American and British citizen, studied in France at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris, in the United States and Italy. She graduated from the University of Virginia (BA) and the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University (MA).
Fields Wicker-Miurin began her career in banking, before joining Strategic Planning Associates (now Oliver Wyman Consulting) as a senior partner where she was the main advisor to Lloyd’s of London. In 1994, she became Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategy of the London Stock Exchange, where she led both the strategic and structural aspects of its complete restructuring. She was a member of the Nasdaq Technology Advisory Council and advised the European Parliament on financial markets harmonization. In 2002, she was one of the founders of Leaders' Quest, a social enterprise that works with leaders from all sectors and across the globe who want to make a responsible, positive difference through their leadership. In 2007 she received an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) and in 2011 she was appointed a Fellow of King’s College London. She is also a director of BNP Paribas, Senior Independent Director of Aquis Exchange Plc and is Vice-Chair of the Royal College of Art in London.



The Board’s advisory committees

SCOR’s Board of Directors has seven active and specialized advisory committees, which prepare its proceedings and make recommendations on specific subjects.

The Strategic Committee is composed of Fabrice Brégier (Chairman), Adrien Couret, Martine Gerow, Patricia Lacoste, Thierry Léger, Vanessa Marquette, Bruno Pfister, Augustin de Romanet, Thomas Saunier (as representative of Holding Malakoff Humanis), Natacha Valla, Zhen Wang and Fields Wicker-Miurin.

The Audit Committee is composed of Bruno Pfister (Chair), Fabrice Brégier, Adrien Couret, Martine Gerow, Patricia Lacoste,Augustin de Romanet and Natacha Valla. Each of its members is independent.

Due to the experience and positions held by its members during their career, the Committee has a high level of financial expertise.

The Risk Committee is composed of Adrien Couret (Chairman), Fabrice Brégier, Vanessa Marquette, Bruno Pfister, Augustin de Romanet, Natacha Valla, Zhen Wang and Fields Wicker-Miurin. Each of its members is independent.

The Compensation Committee is composed of Fields Wicker-Miurin (Chair), Marc M. Büker (director representing employees), Patricia Lacoste, Vanessa Marquette and Bruno Pfister. Except for the director representing employees, the Committee members are independent.

The Nomination Committee is composed of Vanessa Marquette (Chair), Adrien Couret, Patricia Lacoste, Thomas Saunier (as representative of Holding Malakoff Humanis) and Fields Wicker-Miurin. All the Committee members are independent.

The Sustainability Committee is composed of Augustin de Romanet (Chairman), Martine Gerow, Patricia Lacoste, Vanessa Marquette, Pietro Santoro (director representing employees), Natacha Valla and Fields Wicker-Miurin. Except the director representing employees, the other members are independent.

The Crisis Management Committee is composed of Fabrice Brégier (Chairman), Adrien Couret, Vanessa Marquette, Bruno Pfister, Augustin de Romanet and Fields Wicker-Miurin.



The Vice-Chairman


The Vice-Chairman, appointed by the Board of Directors among the independent directors, assists the Chairman of the Board of Directors in his missions, in particular in organising the board and its committees and ensuring they function properly, and in supervising corporate governance.

The chairman of the board of directors and the CEO keep the vice-chairman regularly informed of events and important situations related to the Group, in particular concerning strategy, organisation and financial reporting, major investment and divestment projects, major financial transactions, changes in share capital and contacts with principal current or potential shareholders. He may add any subject he deems necessary to the agenda of the board of director’s meetings. He advises corporate officers who believe they may be in a conflict of interest position.

The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors is Augustin de Romanet.


Executive Committee

SCOR’s Executive Committee is responsible for implementing the strategy adopted by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer has executive authority to manage SCOR’s business, subject to the prior authorization of the Board of Directors or the Shareholders’ Meeting for certain decisions. As the French Code des Assurances stipulates that the effective management of a company must be performed by at least two persons (ie; the “four-eye principle”), the Board of Directors, in addition to the Chief Executive Officer of SCOR appointed the Chief Executive Officers of SCOR Property & Casualty and SCOR Life & Health as well as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer to carry out these functions.




Thierry Léger
Thierry Léger

Chief Executive Officer of SCOR

Thierry Léger, a dual French and Swiss citizen, holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) and an Executive MBA from the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland. He began his career in the civil construction industry before joining Swiss Re as an engineering underwriter in 1997. In 2001 he moved to Swiss Re New Markets, providing non-traditional (or alternative) risk transfer solutions to insurance clients. Between 2003 and 2005 he was a member of the executive team in France as leader of the sales team. From 2006, Thierry Léger assumed increasing responsibility for Swiss Re’s largest clients, ultimately becoming the Head of the newly-created Globals Division in 2010 and a member of the then existing Group Management Board. In 2013, Thierry Léger became Head of Life & Health Products Reinsurance. As of January 2016, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer Life Capital and member of the Swiss Re Executive Committee. In September 2020, he assumed the role of Group Chief Underwriting Officer. He joined SCOR as Chief Executive Officer on May 1, 2023. Thierry Léger is married and father of three children.

Francois de Varenne
© Ooshot
François de Varenne

Group Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of SCOR

François de Varenne, a French citizen, is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and a civil engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées. He holds a PhD in finance and graduated as an actuary from the Institut de Science Financière et d’Assurances (ISFA). François de Varenne joined the Fédération Française des Sociétés d’Assurances (FFSA) in 1993 as Manager of Economic and Financial Affairs. In London, beginning in 1998, he served successively as Insurance Strategist with Lehman Brothers, Vice-President for asset management solutions, and structured transactions specialist in insurance and reinsurance companies at Merrill Lynch and then at Deutsche Bank. In 2003, he became Managing Partner of Gimar Finance & Cie. He joined SCOR in 2005 as Director of Corporate Finance and Asset Management. On September 3, 2007, he was named Group Chief Operating Officer and joined the Executive Committee. On October 29, 2008, François de Varenne was appointed Chief Executive Officer of SCOR Global Investments. In September 2021, he began oversight of an enlarged area of leadership including Investments, Technology, Budget, Transformation and Group Corporate Finance. From January 26, 2023, to April 30, 2023, he was Interim CEO of SCOR.

JP Conoscente
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Jean-Paul Conoscente

Chief Executive Officer of SCOR Property & Casualty

Jean-Paul Conoscente, an American and French citizen, is a graduate of the University of California Berkeley (Master of Science in Structural Engineering) and the Ecole des Travaux Publics, Paris (Engineering Diploma in Civil Engineering). He started his career in earthquake engineering in California and then in CAT Modeling as the European head of the Modeling firm EQECAT. He subsequently held several senior positions with AON Benfield as a reinsurance broker in London and Paris, and then with AXA Re in Paris as the Global Head of Property. In 2008, he joined SCOR in New York as Chief Underwriting Officer for the Americas for SCOR P&C; he helped transform SCOR’s team and portfolio in the Americas before taking on the role of CEO of SCOR’s P&C U.S. Operations in 2016. Following SCOR P&C’s restructuring in September 2018, Jean-Paul Conoscente became its CEO of P&C Reinsurance globally and a member of the SCOR Group Executive Committee in April 2019.

Claudia DILL

Claudia Dill

Group Chief Operating Officer of SCOR

Claudia Dill, a Swiss citizen, studied economics at the University of St. Gallen, holds an MBA from the University of Rochester/Bern, and completed the Advanced Management Program of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. From 1999 to 2020, she worked for the Zurich Insurance Group in a range of managerial positions in Zurich, New York and São Paulo, including as CFO for internal reinsurance and the reinsurance run-off unit, CFO for the European business and COO for the property and casualty business globally. Most recently, she was the Chief Executive Officer for the Latin American business, also acting as a member of the Group Executive Committee. Before working for Zurich, Claudia Dill held a variety of specialist and management functions at Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and Coopers and Lybrand. In the last few years Claudia focused on non-executive mandates in publicly listed and private companies in banking and insurance.

Claire Le Gall-Robinson
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Claire Le Gall-Robinson

Group General Secretary | Governance, Human Resources, Sustainability, Legal & Compliance and Communications

Claire Le Gall-Robinson, a French citizen, is a lawyer admitted to the Paris and New York Bars and a graduate of Harvard Law School (Master of Laws) and the Paris II- Panthéon Assas University (Corporate and Tax law, Major de promotion). She practiced for more than 17 years in leading U.S. law firms Sullivan & Cromwell LLP and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. Prior to joining SCOR in 2016 as Group General Secretary, she was a partner of the UK law firm Gowling WLG. She has taught at the Sciences Po Law School since 2010. She has authored articles on various topics relating to corporate law and co-authored a book on commercial law published by Editions Dalloz. In March 2021, she was appointed to SCOR’s Group Executive Committee. In this capacity, she is responsible for all Governance, Legal and Compliance matters across the Group. She is also in charge of the Group’s Sustainability strategy, Human Resources and Communications.

Claire MdDonald

Claire McDonald

CEO of SCOR Business Solutions

Claire McDonald, a UK citizen, is a Chartered Insurer and a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute. She began her career in 1987 as an underwriter at the Allianz group in the UK, and after underwriting in Commercial Lines, Property and Energy would eventually go on to specialize in Onshore Energy. She was appointed Head of Energy EMEA at Allianz Global Risks/Allianz Global Corporate & Commercial in 2002, and Chief Underwriting Officer for Energy globally for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE in 2006. In 2007, she turned her focus to operations, becoming Head of Operations at Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, first in London and then in Paris. From 2012 onwards, she moved into a global role as Head of Governance, Global Operations.  In 2015 she was promoted to Global Practice Leader – Allianz Multinational and in 2016 in addition became the Global Head of Operations for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE. In 2019, she left the Allianz group to join HDI Global SE as Managing Director for the UK and Ireland, and in 2022 she was made a member of the Executive Board as CUO responsible for Property, Engineering, Marine and Risk Consulting. She joined SCOR as CEO of SCOR Business Solutions and member the Executive Committee on September 1, 2024. Claire is Chair of the International Underwriting Association (IUA) and of iWIN, the insurance women’s inclusivity network. She is also Vice-President of the Insurance Institute of London.

Redmond MURPHY

Redmond Murphy

Deputy CEO of SCOR Life & Health 

Redmond Murphy, an Irish citizen, is a qualified actuary and CFA charter holder. Redmond has a BSc in Mathematics and Statistics from University College Cork, Ireland, and an MSc in Applied Statistics from the University of Oxford. He joined SCOR in 2014 as the CFO of SCOR Global Life Reinsurance Ireland. Redmond has held a number of senior roles within SCOR for Life & Health and Finance. In his most recent role as Deputy Group CFO and Group Head of Business Performance, he was responsible for the Group's financial planning and analysis, for capital, liquidity and performance management, and for the management of SCOR's activities in Ireland. Prior to this, Redmond was an integral part of the Life & Health Leadership Team, in charge of Business Performance, including Business Acceptance, Finance and Actuarial and oversight of SCOR’s Irish operations.

Fabian Uffer
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Fabian Uffer

Group Chief Risk Officer

Fabian Uffer, a Swiss citizen, started his career in 2003 as a life actuary in the insurance industry at Allianz Suisse. Following this, he worked at a startup company named CelsiusPro and developed a weather derivative pricing engine. In 2009 Fabian Uffer joined SCOR in the P&C Risk Management department. He then transitioned to Group Financial Modelling and Risk Analysis, where he held various positions including Head of Risk Modelling. In 2021 he was appointed Chief Risk Officer. Fabian studied at the University of Waterloo and holds a Masters in mathematics from the ETH Zürich. He is a fully qualified actuary of the Swiss Association of Actuaries.
